
Casual Desktop game features dynamic so called tools which you can use in the game. Tools are for instance weapons, vehicles, monsters, etc.

Casual Desktop Game offers the possibility to load tools dynamically, so you can dynamically add more tools to your game. Tools are coded in AngelScript.

This page gives information about all the official standard tools, both officially included and official Workshop tools.

Officially included tools


Official Workshop tools



Type The entity type. This is also the sorting category in game
Spawnable If the entity will remain on the screen until it gets destroyed
Movable If yes then you can control the entity and command it to move to a destination. If not then it either moves around autonomously or it is a stationary entity.


The aicraft is a rocket shooting airplane that flys around the screen and attacks nearby enemies

Type Military
Spawnable Yes
Movable No


The ballista is a combat entity that shoots exploding arrows to enemies

Type Military
Spawnable Yes
Movable Yes


The bazooka is a weapon that shoots rockets to the position at the crosshair points to

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


When triggered the bee flys from left to right and drops six bombs

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


The boltwand is a weapon that emits a lightning bolt to the position the crosshair points to

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


After being dropped, the bomb fuses and then explodes causing damage to nearby objects

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


The chainsaw causes damage to the position it is used to.

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


The colorgun shoots causes color splashes to where it shoots. The colors vary from different possible colors

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


The fireworks tool just spawns some fireworks that explode on the position that is pointed to. It's just a visual tool

Type Visual
Spawnable No
Movable -


The flamethrower emits fire that moves towards the direction where it is pointed to and then will remain at the given position for a while until it extinguishes. Colliding objects will recieve damage as long as they collide with the fire spawn.

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


The gunner is a stationary defensive military system that shoots bullets to approaching enemies

Type Military
Spawnable Yes
Movable No


The hammer can be used to smash the screen and cause damage to hit objects

Type Tools
Spawnable No
Movable -


Who doesn't like these cuddly aliens from the Xen dimension? Well, at least if they approach you to jump on your head and want to turn you into a zombie. These little aliens are upgraded and do even attack vehicles. They are most dangerous when working as a swarm.

Type Monster
Spawnable Yes
Movable No


The helicopter is a combat entity that shoots missiles to opponent targets.

Type Military
Spawnable Yes
Movable Yes

Holy Handgranade

Well-known from the Worms franchise or Monty Python, this deadly weapon does cause some real huge damage

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


The laser gun just shoots laser bullets to where the crosshair points to

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


The laser mech is a very strong combat entity that is even more dangerous when in squads.

Type Military
Spawnable Yes
Movable Yes


This natural disaster will let many meteors drop down to the screen around where it is pointed to.

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


The MP5 is a machine gun that shoots projectile bullets to where the crosshair points to

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


No one can escape the nuclear strike. When triggered every entity on the screen should get out as fast as possible...

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


The pistol is a light weapon that shoots projectile bullets to where the crosshair points to

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -

Rocket launcher

The rocket launcher is a combat entity that shoots missiles to target opponents causing strong damage. The entity itself has heavy armory.

Type Military
Spawnable Yes
Movable Yes


When triggered a satellite will fly above the position it is pointed to and emit a lightning strike to where the crosshair points to.

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


The sniper shoots a projectile to where the crosshair points to causing strong damage.

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


This infantry combat entity will attack nearby enemies with their machine gun

Type Military
Spawnable Yes
Movable Yes


Stamp the screen with nice meme stamps and squash everything it hits

Type Tool
Spawnable No
Movable -


The tank will move around on the screen and shoot to random directions damaging everything in attack range

Type Military
Spawnable Yes
Movable No

TC Dualgun

This kinda mammoth tank is a combat entity with strong armory and strong damage causing.

Type Military
Spawnable Yes
Movable Yes

TC Heavy

It does have heavy armory, but it does not cause as much damage as the TC dualgun

Type Military
Spawnable Yes
Movable Yes

TC Light

The light TC tank. It does have light armory and causes the least damage compared to other TC combat entities.

Type Military
Spawnable Yes
Movable Yes


The teslatower is a stationary defensive entity that emits lightning strikes to approaching enemies.

Type Military
Spawnable Yes
Movable No


The wand spawns a magic plasma ball that heads to where the crosshair points to and explodes causing damage

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -

Alien Fighter

The alien fighter is an alien ship combat entity that shoots lasers

Type Military
Spawnable Yes
Movable Yes

Alien Giant

This alien mother ship should be avoided by weaker entities. It causes massive damage with different weapons.

Type Military
Spawnable Yes
Movable Yes

Alien Infantry

This alien infantry can walk around and shoot rockets at opponents

Type Military
Spawnable Yes
Movable Yes


The frogator is a frog-like monster mutant that is armed with a trident that emits lightning strikes

Type Monster
Spawnable Yes
Movable No


The mine will be activated if an entity comes too close and will then detonate after a few moments

Type Weapon
Spawnable Yes
Movable No


The molotov can be thrown onto the screen and will create damage in a given area

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


The shotgun is a weapon that fires multiple bullets and causes much damage

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


When launched a sidelaser on left and right of the screen moves from up to down and shoots lasers a few times

Type Weapon
Spawnable No
Movable -


The wolfdragon is a monster mutant that can shoot multiple laser bullets to opponents

Type Monster
Spawnable Yes
Movable No